Types of Junk Mail You Can Eliminate with PostGhost

By: Aman

PostGhost is designed to target junk mail addressed to specific recipients by contacting companies and organizations that maintain direct mail databases. When we contact these entities with your name and address, they search their databases to find and remove or suppress your details. Smaller organizations typically delete your information from their databases, while larger ones add you to a direct mail suppression list. This suppression list ensures that individuals who have opted out are omitted from the final mailing lists used for production and distribution. Read More

Types of Junk Mail PostGhost Can’t Eliminate

By: Aman

Types of Junk Mail PostGhost Doesn’t Stop While PostGhost is highly effective at reducing a wide range of unsolicited junk mail, there are specific types of mail that our service cannot stop. Understanding these limitations can help you manage your expectations and plan accordingly. Here are the types of mail that PostGhost cannot stop: Read More

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